The artistic temperament is a light from the spirit of God. It's a light so strong, it often overpowers the artist whose vessel is not strong enough to receive it. Conversely, those who choose not to express it out of fear or caution also become overpowered by it, as its nature is to express itself through the channel of the artist like water spraying out the cracks of a weakened dam. It needs to get out and will stop at nothing to do so. Thus the life of an artist is a most difficult one.
May it light up the darkest places; the night, the corners of the subconscious, and the underground of a city
May it light up the darkest places; the night, the corners of the subconscious, and the underground of a city
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing,
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, Texas
Bachelor of Arts in International
Studies and Spanish,
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico